July 8, 2020
From NJ.com: Educator Amy Kennedy, a member of the famous Democratic political family, on Tuesday won the hard-fought Democratic primary to take on party-switching Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew this fall in South Jersey’s 2nd District. The Associated Press called the race at about 9:15 p.m., and Montclair State University political science professor Brigid Callahan Harrison conceded earlier in a YouTube video. Gov. Phil Murphy, who endorsed Kennedy toward the end of her campaign, joined her at her victory rally. “I can’t believe we won the lottery here in South Jersey,” he said. Kennedy used her victory speech to call for better-paying jobs and affordable health care. She bemoaned the twin crises of the coronavirus and the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. “We’re ready for leaders with compassion, integrity and the ability to make real change happen,” she said. “We need leaders who will heel when we hurt, listen when we speak, provide direction when we need guidance, and show up when it matters.” In her concession speech, Callahan Harrison spoke of getting behind Kennedy to defeat Van Drew. “After a primary that has been tough for all of us, we stand together,” she said. “As we all know, this was a tough, hard-fought race and this is now behind us. Each of us have a responsibility now to get involved to get involved and help her in any way we can.” South Jersey political powerbroker George Norcross, who had backed Callahan Harrison, congratulated Kennedy. “Congratulations to Amy Kennedy, who has won a strong victory,” Norcross said. “As I said months ago, I look forward to supporting the Democratic nominee in the general election. It is important that we retake the second congressional seat and continue to advance a pro-worker, pro-reform, and pro-civil justice agenda in Washington.” Callahan Harrison had the endorsements of most of the Democratic county chairs in the district, state Senate President Stephen Sweeney and U.S. Sens. Robert Menendez and Cory Booker. But Murphy, who has feuded with both Sweeney and Norcross, backed Kennedy at the end. Kennedy’s decisive victory gave Murphy a win over his Democratic rivals on their South Jersey turf. While both Kennedy and Callahan Harrison saw eye-to-eye on most issues, they attacked each other during the campaign. Kennedy highlighted Callahan Harrison’s links to Norcross. Callahan Harrison questioned the decision of former Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., to fund a super political action committee supporting his wife. Progressives rejoiced at the loss of Norcross’ chosen candidate. “This is a stunning victory for progressives in New Jersey and a massive defeat for a conservative political machine which has for too long thwarted progressive change in the state,” said Sue Altman, state director of New Jersey Working Families. Van Drew had won the seat as a Democrat two years ago but switched parties after voting against impeaching President Donald Trump. The AP declared Van Drew the winner in the Republican primary over Bob Patterson, former acting associate commissioner of the Social Security Administration. “I would like to thank President Trump for his unwavering support and Republicans throughout South Jersey for the confidence they have placed in me to be their nominee,” Van Drew said. The importance of the race to both parties was highlighted by the national parties Tuesday night. “Amy Kennedy has demonstrated throughout her campaign that the only thing she is running on is her last name and that’s just not going to fly with voters,” said Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “I look forward to helping Jeff win reelection and continuing our work together in Congress.” Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, countered: “Jeff Van Drew betrayed South Jersey voters in a flailing attempt to advance his own political career and hurt the community that trusted him in the process. The people of South Jersey deserve better from their Representative and will send Van Drew packing come November.” The coronavirus pandemic led New Jersey to conduct the primary largely by mail. NJ Advance Media staff writer Chris Franklin contributed to this report.